Home> Entrepreneurship service>Hohhot: Implementing the "Fifty -Thousand Top Specialty Action Special Action" for employment and entrepreneurship of college graduates "



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Manuscript staff: Liu Jia   |   Release date:2024/6/4 17:02:51   |   Views: 520

Hohhot City always puts the employment and entrepreneurship of college graduates in a prominent position to grasp,Adhere to "attractive call、Gathering Caixing City "orientation,In -depth implementation of the "100,000 University Student Callation Project","Special Action for 50,000 Undergraduate Calling Calculation" for two consecutive years,Currently attracting 96,500 college students to ask for employment and entrepreneurs,13,000 college students have been called in the first quarter of this year,Get significant results。

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2024,Implement "Employment Aid Companies、Employment is an enterprise "action,More than 60,000 new employment in urban town all year。First, create high -quality employment positions。Implementing "Industrial Expansion" action,Support the "six major industrial clusters" chain chain main enterprise energy lifting and expansion,Focus on R & D、Processing、Sales and other links,Vigorously gather high -level talents、Graduates from universities,During the year, drive more than 35,000 new employment。Second is to support enterprises to stabilize posts。Vigorously implement the convenience method of "exemption to enjoy" and "direct repayment"Dafabet reviews,Improvement of employment policy。Rebate 16 million yuan for the company's unemployment insurance for the enterprise,Reduce the burden of 150 million yuan for the enterprise; solicit 36 ​​talent reserve bases、89 employment trainee bases,Meet the needs of corporate talents。Third is to develop human resources in depth。Formulate the "Implementation Plan for the Improvement Action of Leasing and Business Service Industry",Introducing "Several Measures to Support Human Resources Services Industry High -quality Development",The turnover of the human resources service industry during the year reached 12%,Hohhot Human Resources Industrial Park cumulative collection of more than 100,000 times or more,Establish 27 skills internship training bases,"One Garden and Three Districts" mode,Strive to create a national industrial park。

  Pay attention to the focus, build a docking platform

Implementing "Fifty -Thousand Undergraduate Call Special Action",Eight major actions such as "admission to school" and "entrepreneurial flights",Realized 50,000 people during the year、Strive for 60,000 college students to call for employment and entrepreneurs。The first is to systematically plan to go abroad to "lead talents"。Open Beijing、Northwest、Northeast、East China Four Talent Line,Soliciting 10,000 people in the post of enterprises and institutions,Go to Peking University、Harbin Institute of Technology and other 9 universities carried out 10 campaigns,Getting a employment intention 2300 people。The second is to unblock "key points" for supply and demand docking。Demand side,Deeper dafabet live casinoEnterprise、Park carried out "tailor -made" and "visiting enterprises to find jobs" activity,Call 120,000 (times) in the year of collected positions; supply side,Organize the "Public Employment Service Entering Campus" activity,Entering Inner Mongolia University、9 universities including Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,Provide 35,000 positions,Achieving full coverage of 24 houses in Hoh Hohhuma during the year。Third is to play "special cards" for recruitment activities。Carry out "Hundred Recruitment" activities,65 games such as "Holbao Tongcheng" and other series of recruitment activities,Bringing the base of the live broadcast,Use AI robot、Digital people and other technical promotion positions,Employment intention of 38,900 people (times)。

  Maintain the whole process and improve service quality

First is to strengthen graduate calling service。Organize 8 batches of college graduates to call internship training,Union University of Inner Mongolia、Inner Mongolia Agricultural University and other universities to create 4 cloud service stations in Hoh University,Preparation of 27 entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial policies for college graduates,Carry out the "delivery policy、Delivery、Send training、Sending Service "activity。Second is to strengthen the quality and efficiency of talent services。Create a "one -stop" talent platform,Integration and packaging fast -running for talent service matters,Realize "One Window Acceptance" and "Full Tracking","Qingcheng Talent Card" and "Renting House Subsidies" online talent platform acceptance and distribution。Third is to strengthen Dafabet reviewsemployment and entrepreneurial service。Online,Accelerate the construction of smart employment services cloud platform,Encourage and support the construction of a live broadcast band base for construction of Qixian District,Build an online zero -work platform,Expand the coverage of employment services。offline,Create 3 city -level demonstration zero -workers market,Employment service stations for the masses' "door"。The city creates 9 distinctive characteristics、Completion of the function、Public entrepreneurial carriers with obvious effects、Returning to the hometown personnel entrepreneurial park incubation base,Meet the needs of diversified employment and entrepreneurship。

Source: People's Daily Online

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