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Manuscript staff: Liu Jia   |   Release date:2024/6/4 16:58:09   |   Views: 556

Learn from the Human Resources and Social Security Department of the Autonomous Region,"Beijing Human Resources and Social Security Bureau Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Human Resources and Social Security Department East and West Cooperation Framework Agreement",Human Resources and Social departments of the two places have launched a total of 172 exchanges and interviews,Strengthening labor collaboration、Support employment and entrepreneurs、Strengthening the results of talent exchange and cooperation。

In terms of strengthening Beijing -Mongolian labor cooperation,The Human Resources and Social Affairs Department of the Autonomous Region and the Beijing Municipal Human Resources and Social Affairs Bureau signed the "Beijing -Mongolian Intercontinental Housekeeping Service Labor Cooperation Agreement",Guide 12 League of People and Socials and Socials and Socials and Socials and Socials and Socials and Socials and Socials and Socials and Socials Department, including 8 individuals including Beijing Dongcheng District, signed the "Jingmeng Family Political and Labor Cooperation dafabet online sports betting appAgreement"、31 key help Qixian Human Resources and Social Security Department and 17 individuals in Beijing signed the "Beijing -Meng Mongolian Labor Work Framework Agreement",Further improve the Beijing -Mongolian labor cooperation mechanism,Effectively promoted the stable transfer of labor force in our district。Since 2022,Inner Mongolia has established a normalized job information sharing and docking mechanism with Beijing,Precision Organization Online、Offline Jingmeng Cooperation Jobs 255 games,Provide 177,600 employment positions,Help rural pastoral area labor force to achieve 145,000 employed employment。

In terms of supporting multi -channel employment and entrepreneurship,Make full use of Beijing aid projects and capital advantages,Support 31 collaborative flag counties in Inner Mongolia's key group employment and entrepreneurs。As of the end of March,Cultivate 15 farmers and herdsmen entrepreneurial parks and incubation bases,789 households settled in the entity; organized 80,500 person -times of labor skills training in rural pastoral areas;。

In terms of strengthening the intellectual support of talents,Two selections to send nationwide well -known experts to the construction of Human Resources Service Industrial Park in Inner Mongolia、China Promotion、Application of national industrial parks and other aspects Dafabet reviewsto give business guidance,Help the construction of the industrial park to upgrade and upgrade; go to Beijing every year to hold a college quotation special job fair,49 graduates from Beijing university in 2023; actively develop professional and technical personnel training cooperation in human -social fields,Organize the post -doctoral service group of Beijing to carry out expert service activities to Xing'an League and other places; select 272 vocational training teachers into Beijing counterpart training,Improving the level of ability level of Inner Mongolia Technical College and Vocational Training Institutions。

Member of the Party Group of the Human Resources and Social Security Department of the Autonomous Region、Director of the Employment Service Center of the Autonomous Region said,The Human Resources and Social Security Department of the Autonomous Region will continue to strengthen employment service collaboration、Highlighting the labor service cooperation of the housekeeping service industry、Promoting locally entrepreneurial employment、Improve the large -scale level of organizationalization of Beijing labor services、Strengthening talent exchanges and cooperation and other aspects of continuous efforts,Keep promoting the social field of Beijing -Mongolia Association to help and go deeply。

Source: Inner Mongolia Daily

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