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Source: Platform    Time:2024/05/16 11:03

Since the implementation of the self -integrity construction project,Municipal Party Committee、Municipal Government attaches great importance to,Demonstration city around the establishment of a national social credit system construction,Starting point with the shortcomings of the shortcomings of integrity construction in four areas,The "1+1+N" project construction system plan was introduced,That is "Implementation Plan for Promoting the Integrity Construction Project in Hohhot City"、Hohhot City Integrity Construction Project task list and ... ... [Full text]

The capital will make every effort to create a "trustworthy" development environment.   

Source: Platform     Time:2024-05-16 11:03

Since the implementation of the self -integrity construction project,Municipal Party Committee、Municipal Government attaches great importance to,Demonstration city around the establishment of a national social credit system construction,Starting point with the shortcomings of the shortcomings of integrity construction in four areas,The "1+1+N" project construction system plan was introduced,That is "Implementation Plan for Promoting the Integrity Construction Project in Hohhot City"、Hohhot City Integrity Construction Project task list and several specific project implementation plans,Refined 50 list tasks, ...... [Full text]

Inner Mongolia's "Four Shang" legal person units broke 13,000 households for the first time   

Source: Platform     Time:2024-05-10 10:54

The latest news of the Statistics Bureau of the Autonomous Region: As of the end of the first quarter of 2024,The "Four above" legal person units in the district exceeded 13,000 households for the first time,up to 13042 dafabet online sports betting apphouseholds,increased 1341 households from the same period last year,increased 11.5%。"Four above" legal person unit refers to: industrial legal person units above designated size,Limited or above designated business and trade legal person units,Limited or above -scale service industries (specifically referring to other service industries other than business trade) legal person units,There are more qualifications for development and operation activities (...... [Full text]

Inner Mongolia issued automobile consumer goods with new implementation plan   

Source: Platform     Time:2024-05-10 10:53

To promote car consumption,April 28,Autonomous Region Business Department、Department of Industry and Information Technology、Public Security Department、The Department of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Taxation Bureau's 5 departments issued the "Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Automotive Consumption Products with New Implementation Plan" (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Plan"。"Implementation Plan" clearly clarifies the scope and standard of subsidy。From April 24, 2024 to December 31, 2024,Personal consumers scrap their names under the name of three or below ...... [Full text]

"Demonstration Base of Jingmeng Technology Collaborative Potato Digital Planting Service" landed in our city   

Source: Platform     Time:2024-05-10 10:53

Recent,"Demonstration Base of Jingmeng Technology Collaborative Potato Digital Planting Service" landed in the city of Saihan District, our city,This Dafabet reviewsis the first digital planting demonstration field that has landed in our city through the "Science and Technology Innovation Division Plan" through the Beijing -Meng Mongolian cooperation,is another fruit of pushing the actual "science and technology" operation。According to an introduction,This base will closely focus on the capital digital economy、Technical needs and rich application scenarios in agricultural intelligence and other fields,Construction of the potato demonstration field、Number ...... [Full text]

Hohhot Small and Medium Enterprise Digital Transformation Research Exchange Meeting is successfully held   

Source: Platform     Time:2024-04-28 15:59

April 26,The Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau organizes a seminar for digital transformation of small and medium -sized enterprises,11 SME representatives attended the meeting。Hohhot City is in the process of applying for digital transformation pilot cities,Digital transformation of SMEs for better empowering SMEs,This seminar is specially invited to the benchmarking enterprises in various subdivided industries in Hohhot City,Basic the basic situation of digital transformation of various segments in various segments、Experience and practice、The transformation process encountered ...... [Full text]

Answers of Common Questions after R & D investment   

Source: Platform     Time:2024-04-28 11:20

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