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The person in charge of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the Ministry of Justice answered the reporter about the "Rare Earth Management Regulations"   

    Time:2024-07-01 09:38

June 22, 2024,Premier Li Qiang of the State Council signed the State Council Order No. 785,Announced the Regulations on Rare Earth Management (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations"),It will be implemented from October 1, 2024。A few days ago,Ministry of Justice、The head of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology answered reporters' questions on the question。Q: Please briefly introduce the background of the "Regulations"。Answer: Rare earth is an indispensable important element and key strategic resource in the modern industry。Party Central Committee、State Council ...... [Full text]

"Rural Road Passenger Operation Service Guide (Trial)" interpretation   

    Time:2024-07-01 09:15

In order to thoroughly implement General Secretary Jinping Jinping's important instructions for the construction of the "Four Good Rural Road",Recent,The Ministry of Transport issued the "Guide to Rural Road Passenger Transport Operation Service (Trial)" (hereinafter referred to as "Guide")。To better understand the relevant content,Do a good job of implementing it,Now interpretation is as follows: a、Establishing background Rural passenger transportation is a people's livelihood service that guarantees the vast number of rural people,Consolidate and expand poverty alleviation ...... [Full text]

Interpretation of the Administrative Measures for the Disclosure of Railway Engineering Construction Projects and Credit Information   

    Time:2024-06-28 10:49

To implement the Party Central Committee、The State Council's requirements on promoting major construction project information disclosure and building a credit supervision mechanism,The National Railway Administration organized the "Interim Measures for the Public Management of Credit Information and Credit Information" formulated by the Ministry of Railways (Railway Construction [2010] No. 260,The following referred to as the "Measures") was fully revised,The main revised content is as follows。a、The content of the content is streamlined and adjusted according to the reform of the agency after the reform of the railway government and enterprises ...... [Full text]

The responsible comrades of the Employment Department of the National Development and Reform Commission answered the reporter about "Measures on Creating New Scenes Consumption and Cultivation of Consumption and Consumption."   

    Time:2024-06-25 10:29

Recent,The National Development and Reform Commission Tong Agricultural and Rural Ministry、Business Department、Ministry of Culture and Tourism、The State Administration of Dafabet reviewsMarket Supervision and the State Administration of Market Supervision and issued the "Measures on creating new consumption scenes to cultivate new growth points of consumption" (hereinafter referred to as "measures")。A few days ago,The responsible comrades of the Employment Department of the National Development and Reform Commission answered the reporter's question on the "Measures on Creating New Scenes Consumption Consumption and Cultivation of Consumption."。Q: What is the background of the "Measures"? Answer: Promote consumption ...... [Full text]

"Notice on Printing and Distributing the Basic Content (Trial) of the Homepage of the Resident Electronic Health File" policy interpretation   

    Time:2024-06-24 09:32

Resident health files as a basic service content provided by residents provided by urban and rural communities as basic public health services,Since its launch in 2009,It is generally carried out at the grass -roots medical and health institutions。With the construction of national health information platforms in various regions,The electronic process of residents' health files is fast。To promote the pragmatic application of electronic health files,Standardize the homepage of the residents' electronic health file,Recent,The General Office of the National Health and Health Commission is in conjunction with the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine ...... [Full text]

"Regulations on the Governance of Network violence information" Answered reporter   

    Time:2024-06-17 12:13

Recent,National Internet Information Office United Public Security Department、Ministry of Culture and Tourism、The State Administration of Radio and Television announced the "Regulations on the Governance of Network Violence Information" (hereinafter referred to as "Regulations")。The relevant person in charge of the National Internet Information Office answered questions from reporters on the "Regulations" related questions。a、Q: Please briefly introduce the background of the "Regulations"。Answer: The formulation of the "Regulations" is mainly based on the following considerations: First, in -depth implementation ...... [Full text]

The person in charge of the Department of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Commerce interprets the "Opinions on Export of Cross -border E -commerce Exports to Promote the Construction of Overseas Warehouses"   

    Time:2024-06-13 10:03

Recent,Agree with the State Council,Business Department、National Development Reform Commission、Ministry of Finance、Ministry of Transport、People's Bank of China、Customs General Administration、Taxation General Administration、Financial Supervision General Administration、Nine departments such as the National Network Information Office and other nine departments jointly issued the "Opinions on Export of Cross -border E -commerce Exports to Promote Overseas Warehouse Construction" (hereinafter referred to as "Opinions")。The person in charge of the Department of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Commerce interpreted Dafabet reviewsthe Opinions。a、What is the current development of cross -border e -commerce in my country? Why ...... [Full text]

[Interpretation Policy of the Department] "Three-year Growth Plan for Individual Industry and Commerce of Small and Micro-Enterprises in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (2023-2025)"   

    Time:2024-06-12 11:36

Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region SME Public Service Platform "Department Interpretation Policy" aggregate relevant departments of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,Make a series of interpretation of key policies and focus on small and medium -sized enterprises,Help the majority of small and medium -sized enterprises in our district fully understand the policy,Enjoy policy。Introduction of the "Three-year Growth Plan for Small and Micro-Enterprises Small and Micro-Enterprises in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (2023-2025)" policy interpretation,Please follow! one、About "Small and Micro Enterprises in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region ...... [Full text]

【Interpretation Policy of the Department】 Policy for benefiting enterprises in human society   

    Time:2024-06-11 15:56

Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region SME Public Service Platform "Department Interpretation Policy" aggregate relevant departments of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,Make a series of interpretation of key policies and focus on small and medium -sized enterprises,Help the majority of small and medium -sized enterprises in our district fully understand the policy,Enjoy policy。This issue has launched the policy of benefiting enterprises in human society,Stay tuned! ...... [Full text]

Relevant responsible comrades of the National Development and Reform Commission are steel、Refining、Synthetic ammonia、Cement 4 Industry Energy -saving Carbon Special Action Plan Answers Answers Questions   

    Time:2024-06-11 10:34

Recent,The National Development and Reform Commission jointly issued the "Special Action Plan for Energy -saving and Carbon Reduction of the Iron and Steel Industry" (Fajian Ringye [2024] No. 730)、"Special Action Plan for Energy -saving and Carbon reduction in the refining industry"、"Special Action Plan for Energy -saving Carbon reduction in the synthetic ammonia industry"、"Special Action Plan for Energy -saving and Carbon Reduction in the Cement Industry"。To facilitate each other ...... [Full text]

The person in charge of the relevant Department of the State Administration of Finance Supervision and Administration answered the reporter's question on the "Guiding Opinions on Promoting the High -quality Development of inclusive Insurance"   

    Time:2024-06-07 10:31

Requirements for the Spirit of the Central Financial Work Conference and the Requirements for the "State Council's Implementation Opinions on Promoting the High -quality Development of Inclusive Finance",Recently, the General Administration of Finance Supervision issued the "Guidance Opinions of the State Administration of Finance and Administration on Promoting the High -quality Development of Inclusive Insurance" (hereinafter referred to as "Guidance")。The person in charge of the relevant Department answered questions from reporters on the "Guidance Opinions"。a、What is the background of "Guiding Opinions"? Central Financial Work Club ...... [Full text]

"Implementation Plan on Establishing a Carbon Footprint Management System" Answer a reporter question   

    Time:2024-06-07 10:02

Recent,The Ministry of Ecology and Environment and other 15 departments jointly issued the "Implementation Plan on Establishing a Carbon Footprint Management System" (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation dafabet online sports betting appPlan")。The Ministry of Ecology and Environment responded to the responsible comrade of the Department of Climate Change and answered questions from reporters on the relevant situation of the "Implementation Plan"。Q: What is the background of the "Implementation Plan"? Answer: "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Comprehensive Promoting the Construction of Beautiful China" proposes to "build green low -carbon product standards、recognition ...... [Full text]

"The Finance Supervision Bureau of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on further improving the first batch of new material insurance compensation policies for the first (set) of major technical equipment   

    Time:2024-06-05 15:51

Recent,Department of Industry and Information Technology、Ministry of Finance、The State Administration of Finance Supervision jointly released the "Opinions on Further Improve the first batch of new material insurance compensation policies for the first (set) of major technical equipment" (hereinafter referred to as "Opinions"。To understand "Opinions",Do a good job of implementing it,The relevant content is interpreted as follows。a、"Opinions" revised the background to thoroughly implement the Party Central Committee、State Council's strategic decision on promoting the construction of a manufacturing power,Implement ...... [Full text]

"Notice on Implementing the Reform of the Reform of the Collective Forest Rights System Standardized and Efficient Registration of Real Estate Real Estate Registration   

    Time:2024-06-05 10:13

A few days ago,The General Office of the Natural Resources Department、Office of the State Forestry and Grassland Bureau、The General Office of the State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration jointly issued the "Notice on Implementing the Reform of the Reform of the Collective Forest Rights System and Regulating the Registration of Forestry Real Estate Registration" (hereinafter referred to as "Notice"),It has proposed clear regulations and requirements for how to standardize and efficient forest right registration。This reporter interviewed the Registration Bureau of the Ministry of Natural Resources and the National Forest Cao Bureau ...... [Full text]

"Notice on Further Improve the Mechanism to Promote the Sinking Sinking of Urban Medical Resources to County Hospitals and Urban -Rural Grassroots" policy   

    Time:​​2024-06-05 09:34

In order to further improve the service capabilities of county -level hospitals and urban and rural primary medical institutions,Better to meet the needs of the people to see a doctor for medical treatment,Our committee and relevant departments are investigating research、Based on the extensive solicitation of opinions,Research and formulation of the "Notice on Further Improve the Mechanism to Promote the Sinking Sinking to County Hospitals and Urban -Rural Grassroots" (hereinafter referred to as "Notice")。a、Develop a background party central government、The State Council attaches dafabet online sports betting appgreat importance to county hospitals and grassroots ...... [Full text]

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