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The Science and Technology Department of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region's Science and Technology Department of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on the Organization of the National R & D Plan "Intergovernmental International Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation" key special special project in 2024   

    Time:2024-07-26 10:50

Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Science and Technology Department on the organization of the national key R & D plan "Intergovernmental International Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation" key special special project 2024 Sino -new science and technology innovation cooperation flagship project [2024] No. 28 (city) science and technology No. 28 science and technology Inning,Manzhouli City Industry Information and Science and Technology Bureau、Erlianhot Education Science and Technology Bureau,Relevant units: according to the "Deepening the Central Financial Science and Technology Plan (Special、Fund, etc.) Management Reform "(Guofa [2 ...... [Full text]

Notice of the People's Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on the abolition and announcement of some administrative standardized documents in the invalidity   

    Time:2024-07-25 10:25

The People's Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on the abolition and announcement of the invalidation of some administrative normative documents in the internal affairs of the internal affairs [2024] No. 20 Alliance Administrative Office、Municipal People's Government,Autonomous Region Each Committee、Office、Hall、Bureau,major companies、Public institutions: The "Catalog of the People's Government of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region" to you,Administrative specification documents incorporated into the directory stopped from the date of this notice and issued,No more ...... [Full text]

Notice of the People's Government   

    Time:2024-07-25 10:24

The People's Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region's notification of the "Administrative Measures for the Management of State -owned Capital Management Budget at the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region" in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region [2024] No. 21 Each Alliance Administrative Office、Municipal People's Government,Autonomous Region Each Committee、Office、Hall、Bureau,major companies、Public institutions: Issuing the "Administrative Measures for the Management of State -owned Capital Management Budget at the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region" to you,Please combine with actual,Careful implementation。July 16, 2024 (Public release) ...... [Full text]

Notice on Organizing the Organization of the Autonomous Region 2024 Digital Workshop and Smart Factory's identification work   

    Time:2024-07-24 15:19

Notice of the Terminal and Information Equipment of the Digital Workshop and Intelligent Factory of the Autonomous Region 2024 in the Autonomous Region 2024 Notice on Printing and Distributing the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" Intelligent Manufacturing Development Plan "(Ministry of Industry and Information dafabet casino mobile appTechnology Joint Regulations [2021] No. 207)、"Notice on Printing and Distributing the Administrative Measures for Digital Workshop and Intelligent Factory of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region" (internal worker ...... [Full text]

Opinions on the General Office of the People's Government of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on promoting high -quality development of emergency and rescue work   

    Time:2024-07-23 10:43

Opinions of the General Office of the People's Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on promoting high -quality development of emergency and rescue work、Municipal People's Government,Autonomous Region Each Committee、Office、Hall、Bureau,major companies、Public institutions: In order to speed up the construction of the emergency rescue work system in our district,Improve emergency rescue ability,Promote the high -quality development of emergency rescue work in the new era,Help the construction of a safe and stable barrier in the northern Xinjiang of the motherland,The People's Government of the Autonomous Region ...... [Full text]

Notice on the establishment of a single champion enterprise in the 2024 autonomous region -level manufacturing industry   

    Time:2024-07-22 11:26

Notice of the identification of the single -item champion enterprise of the 2024 autonomous region -level manufacturing industry in 2024. "Declaration Guide to the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Manufacturing Industry Single Champions",The notice of the identification work of the single champion enterprise of the autonomous region -level manufacturing industry in 2024 is as follows: The Municipal Industry and Information Bureau of each League strictly follows "...... [Full text]

Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Advanced Manufacturing Cluster Construction Action Plan   

    Time:2024-07-22 11:14

Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Advanced Manufacturing Cluster Construction Action Plan In -depth Implementation of the General Office of the General Office of the State Council "Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Advanced Manufacturing Clusters" (Guoqi Fa [2023] No. 14),Based on the eight major industrial clusters of the autonomous region,Accelerate the cultivation and development of advanced manufacturing clusters,Preliminary formation with world -class cluster as the lead、Taking the national cluster as the backbone、Advanced manufacturing cluster system based on the autonomous region cluster,To promote the new type of autonomous region ...... [Full text]

Notice on Printing and Distributing the Management Measures for the "Administrative Measures for Advanced Manufacturing Clusters in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (Interim)"   

    Time:2024-07-22 10:59

Notification of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Advanced Manufacturing Cluster Revision Management Measures (Interim) ",Manzhouli、Erlianhot City Industry and Information Technology Bureau: Research the "Administrative Measures for the Advanced Manufacturing Cluster of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (Interim)",Please follow the execution。May 24, 2024 Attachment: Administrative Measures for the Recognition of Advanced Manufacturing Clusters of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (temporarily ...... [Full text]

dafabet online sports betting appNotice on the list of public service demonstration platforms for the SMEs of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in 2024   

    Time:2024-07-19 10:15

The announcement of the list of public service demonstration platforms for the 2024 Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region SMEs of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region [2024] No. 354 Each League Industry and Information Technology Bureau: To promote the construction of the public service system of SMEs in our district,Helps high -quality development of small and medium -sized enterprises,According to the "Administrative Measures for the identification of the public service demonstration platform of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region" (Inner Scriptures [2018] No. 396) and "Regarding the Organization Recommended Autonomy of 2024 ...... [Full text]

The Department of Science and Technology of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on the release of the “unveiled list” project technology list in the field of science and technology “Breakout” project in 2024   

    Time:2024-07-19 09:57

The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Science and Technology Department's notice on the release of the technology list of the "unveilled list" project technology list in the field of science and technology "breakout" project in 2024 is to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Jinping's important speech and the decision -making deployment of the party committee and government of the Autonomous Region,Accelerate the implementation of the “Breakout” project,Promote the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial development,Cultivate new productive forces,According to the "Special Implementation Plan for the" Breakout "Project of Science and Technology in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region"、"...... [Full text]

Notice of the Energy Bureau of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on the collection of energy technology innovation cultivation projects   

    Time:2024-07-17 16:02

Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Energy Bureau's notice of collecting energy technology innovation cultivation projects [2024] No. 483 Energy Bureau、Relevant League City Development and Reform Commission,Energy central enterprise in the district,Inner Mongolia Electric Power (Group) Co., Ltd.、Inner Mongolia Energy Group Co., Ltd.、Inner Mongolia Geological Mineral Group Co., Ltd.: In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party,Vigorously implement the "Breakout" project,Lead development with innovation, ...... [Full text]

Notice on the launch of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Innovation and Entrepreneurship Launch Support Plan Declaration Work   

    Time:2024-07-16 10:52

Notice on the notice of the inner -Mongolia Autonomous Region Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region's Innovation Students' Innovation and Entrepreneurship Planning Plan for Declaration Plan for Alliance Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau,Manzhouli City、Erlian Human Resources and Social Security Bureau,Dafabet reviewsEach minister of the autonomous region、Committee、Office、Hall、Personnel (cadre) of the bureau,Personnel departments of enterprises and institutions directly under the autonomous region,Each study abroad Pioneer Park: In order to thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's new theory of talent work in the new era ...... [Full text]

Several opinions on promoting the accelerated development of used cars   

    Time:2024-07-16 10:37

Several opinions on promoting the accelerated development of second -hand car exports、Public Security Bureau、Finance Bureau、Transportation Bureau,Hohhot Customs、Manzhouli Customs belongs to customs、Tax、Pedestrian、Foreign Exchange and other branches: In order to fully implement the work requirements of the autonomous region to promote the stability of the foreign trade stability,Further promote the development of used car export business,Accelerate the cultivation of new kinetic energy of foreign trade,Tong of the People's Government of the Autonomous Region ...... [Full text]

Notice of the Energy Bureau of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on the "Special Action Plan for New Energy Storage Development Development of 2024-2025" in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region   

    Time:2024-07-15 10:49

Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Energy Bureau's notification of "Special Action Plan for New Energy Storage Development Development in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region 2024-2025",Relevant League City Development and Reform Commission,Inner Mongolia Electric Power Company,State Grid Mengdong Electric Power Company: In order to accelerate the development of high -quality energy storage of new energy storage in the autonomous region,better support the construction of new energy system,The Energy Administration of the Autonomous Region is in accordance with the "People's Government of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region ...... [Full text]

Notice on Printing and Distributing the Evaluation Implementation Rules for Comprehensive Utilization of Industrial Solid Waste Resources in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region   

    Time:2024-07-12 12:46

Notification of the Inner Industry and Information Technology Bureau of the Industrial and Information Technology Bureau of the Inner Municipal Information Festival [2019] No. 412,Manzhouli City、Erlianhot Industry and Information Technology Bureau: To actively promote industrial green development,Effectively promote the comprehensive utilization of industrial solid waste resources,Establish an evaluation system for comprehensive utilization of scientific and standardized industrial solid waste resources。According to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, "Industry ...... [Full text]

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