Home> Investment and financing service>Inner Mongolia Qingcheng Dairy Trading Center opens the market for operation



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Manuscript staff: Liu Jia   |   Release date:2024/6/4 17:25:28   |   Views: 519

Recent,The first dairy commodity spot trading platform in the country -Inner Mongolia Qingcheng Dairy Trading Center officially opened for operation。

Inner Mongolia Qingcheng Dairy Trading Center in accordance with the "Opinions of the State Council on Promoting the High -quality Development of Inner Mongolia",Comprehensively implement the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region、Government's relevant decision -making deployment and instruction spirit,Expansion of high -level openness and market -based configuration of dairy industry elements,The key task of promoting the high -quality development of the dairy industry in the autonomous region dafabet casino mobile appis established,Joint Property Rights Trading Center from Qingcheng State -owned Capital Operation Co., Ltd.、Yili、Mengniu、Owish pastoral、Modern Animal Husbandry Five State -owned Platforms and Industry Leaders,The nation's first dairy commodity spot trading platform。The platform focuses on focusing on fresh milk、milk powder cheese、Fedry、Feed and other key products for dairy industry for transactions,Give full play to the function of the integration of platform resources and market allocation,Promoting the Dairy Delay Chain、Make up the chain、Strong Chain。Except the basic trading service,The center also provides warehousing logistics、Financial support、Industry Consultation and other comprehensive integrated services,Then promote the construction of my country's dairy industry and the unified market construction of the dairy industry,Focus on creating the "Chinese Dairy Price Discovery Platform and Resource Configuration dafabet online sports betting appHub、The Industrial Upgrade of the World Daidu Industry Upgrade Strong Wing and the City Bright Card "。

Source: Inner Mongolia Daily (Reporter Huangfu Xiuling)

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