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Source: Platform    Time:2024/04/25 15:28

March 21, 2024,The Autonomous Region issued the "Interim Measures for Direct Enterprises of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region at the same level of beneficiary enterprises",Establish a direct mechanism for the funding of the benefit enterprise,Since 2024。April 17,Hohhot City completed the first batch of account review and reporting work of the first batch of industrial and information fields.,More than 9,000 projects in 149 projects ... ... [Full text]

Application for innovative SMEs、Specialized Specialty New SMEs Frequency Questions Answers   

Source: Platform & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Time:2024/03/06 16:17

Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region 2024 Innovative SMEs、The application for the application of Special Special Special Small and Medium Enterprises has begun,The public service platform of the SME SMEs of the Autonomous Region sorted out common problems in the process of enterprise application,Please check。1. Is it necessary to apply for an enterprise?,Participate in Inner Mongolia ... ... [Full text]

The direct mechanism of the funds of the benefit enterprise will be established to build the special industry development of the key industry of the autonomous region.   

Source: Platform     Time:2024-04-25 15:28

March 21, 2024,The Autonomous Region issued the "Interim Measures for Direct Enterprises of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region at the same level of beneficiary enterprises",Establish a direct mechanism for the funding of the benefit enterprise,Since 2024。April 17,Hohhot City completed the first batch of account review and reporting work of the first batch of industrial and information fields.,More than 90 million yuan of special funds for 149 projects will be directly paid from the autonomous region level to related ...... [Full text]

Application for innovative SMEs、Specialized Specialty New SMEs Frequency Questions Answers   

Source: Platform     Time:2024-03-06 16:17

Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region 2024 Innovative SMEs、The application for the application of Special Special Special Small and Medium Enterprises has begun,The public service platform of the SME SMEs of the Autonomous Region sorted out common problems in the process of enterprise application,Please check。1. Is it necessary to apply for an enterprise?,Participate in the evaluation and identification of high -quality SMEs in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,It should be in the district ...... [Full text]

Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Industry and Information Department: Clarify six key tasks to accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system   

Source: Platform     Time:2024-01-30 15:36

The reporter learned from the 2024 Industry and Information Technology Working Conference in Dafabet reviewsthe Industry and Information Technology Department of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.,In 2024,Accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system that reflects the advantages of Inner Mongolia,Promote the high -quality development of the autonomous region with new industrialization。It is reported,2023,The industrial growth of the autonomous region is stable and fast、Stable and good,January-November,Industrial increase above the size of the region ...... [Full text]

[Free training] Registration! Small and medium -sized enterprises under the fourth phase of Gold Taxation and Tax Risk Prevention   

Source: Platform     Time:2024-01-17 16:13

Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region SME Public Service Platform Union Hohehot SME Public Service Platform invited fiscal and tax experts to carry out fiscal and taxation training for SMEs for free,Teach you how to not pay "unjust tax",How to apply tax risk management to business management。1、Training theme theme Gold Tax 4 Phase II tax policy and tax risk prevention 2、Training time 2024 January 24, 9: 003、Training location Hohhot City Tournament ...... [Full text]

Deep cultivation of "Specialty New" for the high -quality development of the capital's economy   

Source: Platform     Time:2024-01-11 10:43

Recent,The Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau organizes the competent industrial and information authorities of the county and districts of the county and districts to be awarded the 2023 National and Autonomous Region -level "Innovation" SMEs、"Specialized Special New" SME、Specialized new "Little Giant" enterprise holding a licensed ceremony。The Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau actively implements the "Interim Measures for the Management Management Management Management Management Management of High -quality Small and Medium Enterprises",Always insist on the cultivation and support new enterprises as an important starting point for implementing the "strong industry" and "strong capital" operations,No ...... [Full text]

Provide a strong guarantee for the establishment of a new chapter in the development of industrial and informatization -the secretary of the party dafabet casino mobile appgroup of the Municipal Industry and Informatization Bureau、Director Liu Zhiqiang   

Source: Platform     Time:2024-01-09 14:57

"2024,We will persist in steady progress、To promote stability、Establish first and then break,Multiple measures to stabilize industrial operation and industrial development,To increase the amount of preferentially、Gift quality、Expansion,Stable industrial market,Build the foundation of development,​​To accelerate the new type of industrialization of the capital、Strive to create a new chapter in the development of industry and informatization to provide strong guarantee。"" In an interview with reporters,Party Secretary of the Party Leadership dafabet casino mobile appgroup of the Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau、Director Liu Zhiqiang said。2023,in the big ...... [Full text]

The Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau organized a senior seminar for the leader of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.   

Source: Platform     Time:2024-01-03 15:19

December 29, 2023,The Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau held 30 entrepreneurs who obtained the senior training classes of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's leader in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.,Member of the Party Group of Dafabet reviewsthe Industry and Information Technology Bureau、Deputy Director Li Minna attended and presided over the ceremony。will be on,Deputy Director Li Minna expressed congratulations to the graduates who have entered the leadership of the SMEs of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology from 2021-2022,Talk to entrepreneurs,I introduced the ICBC Bureau in 2023 ...... [Full text]

The National Industrial and Information Work Conference was held in Beijing   

Source: Platform     Time:2023-12-22 10:43

December 21,The National Industrial and Information Work Conference was held in Beijing。The meeting adheres to the guidance of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era,Comprehensively implement the spirit of the 20th and 20th Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party,In -depth study and implementation of General Secretary Xi dafabet online sports betting appJinping's important exposition on the new type of industrialization,Earnestly implement the requirements of the Central Economic Work Conference and the deployment requirements of the National New Industrialization Promotion Conference,Summary 2023 work,Deploy 2024 task。The party group ...... [Full text]

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