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Manuscript personnel: Liu Jia    |  Release date: 2024-06-04   |   Visits: 628    
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SMEs contact thousands of households,Is promoting innovation、Promoting employment、Important forces to improve people's livelihood。General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the development of small and medium -sized enterprises,Emphasize that small and medium -sized enterprises have aura、Vitality,Small and medium -sized enterprises can do big things,To strengthen innovation support for SMEs,Create a good environment for the development of small and medium -sized enterprises。The government work report of the State Council is clearly proposed,Promoting new development of SMEs for specialization。Party Central Committee、The State Council issued a series of policies and measures to help enterprises,Promote the sustainable and healthy development of small and medium -sized enterprises。To implement the Party Central Committee、Decision and deployment of the State Council,According to the relevant requirements of the "Small and Medium Enterprise Promotion Law",2023,China SME Development Promotion Center continues to be entrusted to carry out the development environment for the development of SMEs,The main circumstances are as follows:

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  1 is to expand the scope of the participating citiesGuide moreRegionIncrease optimizing the development environment of small and medium -sized enterprises.This evaluation is in the original 36 cities (municipality、Plan for single -row cities and provincial capitals),According to the number of corporate legal persons in various places and limited to no more than 3 cities in each province,Added 14 evaluation cities,A total of 50 participating cities reached 50。Divided into two categories according to urban energy levels,They are cities above the provincial level (19) and prefecture -level cities (31)。50 participating cities in cities account for about 56%of the total number of nationwide,Further expanded the broadness and representativeness of the assessment。

  Second, according to the new requirements of promoting the development of small and medium -sized enterprises,Optimize and perfect evaluation index system。To ensure the continuity of the evaluation work and the comparability of the annual evaluation results,The indicator system is kept stable as a whole,At the same time, the Party Central Committee、Relevant decision -making deployment of the State Council,New requirements for promoting the development of small and medium -sized enterprises,Study and demonstration of carefully,Part 2 for the 2023 evaluation index system、Three -level indicators are further optimized and improved。The adjusted index system is based on 5 first -level indicators,24 second -level indicators,40 three -level indicators,Mainly from the "market environment、Rule of Law Environment、financing environment、Innovative environment、Policy Environment "five dimensions for evaluation。

  Third, multi -dimensional obtaining evaluation data, ensureEvaluation resultsComprehensive and true and effective.This evaluation comprehensive use of local materials filling、Enterprise online survey、Typical city field survey、Data introduction of authoritative agencies and other methods,A total of nearly 52,000 valid questionnaires are collected,Search more than 400,000 pieces of information,On the basis of further streamlined materials for local governments,continued to increase the number of third -party data surveys,Make sure the evaluation results are comprehensive、True、Effective。

  Fourth is to conduct in -depth field surveys,Effectively understand the effectiveness of relevant policies。This evaluation conducts more than half of the participating cities on the spot,and local government departments、Judicial Organ、Corporate representative、Service Agency、Lawyers and other discussions 74 games,Face -to -face interview objects about 900 people。Through discussion、Interview with questionnaires,Various policies and measures adopted by the participating cities around the optimization of the development of SMEs,Knowledge of relevant policies and the implementation of corporate satisfaction,Collect opinion suggestions。

  2. The main conclusion of evaluation

  a) Basic features of the urban development environment of the review

  1. Faithful enterprise policy

Since 2022,Effects of the complicated domestic and foreign situation at home and abroad,SME production and operation faces many difficulties in challenges,The country has introduced a series of policies to support the development of small and medium -sized enterprises,Only 2022 national level issues reached more than 40 items,Drives more than 270 parts of supporting policy documents。2023 National level "Several measures to help small, medium and micro enterprises steady growth and adjust the structure,Proposal to further promote steady growth and stability expectations、15 specific measures to promote the strong ability to promote the strong structure of small and medium -sized enterprises,Preferential policies for small and micro enterprises、Redemption of small -scale taxpayers VAT、Reduced the "six taxes and two fees" of small and micro enterprises to extend to 2027。Timely refined supporting measures for each participating cities,Pay attention to policy promotion touch,Fully promote policy and regulations to implement it carefully,Effectively enhance the sense of gain of small and medium -sized enterprises、A sense of identity and satisfaction。

Aspect of bailout assistance policy,Questionnaire survey display,Tax reduction and fee reduction policies and stabilized return policy companies have the highest awareness rate,About 85%of small and medium -sized enterprises feedback。2023,New tax reduction and tax reduction and tax refund of the country exceeded 2.2 trillion yuan,Small and medium -sized enterprises benefit the most obvious,amount accounts for 64%。Enterprise satisfaction with various assistance policies is higher overall,More than 90 % of the companies that have enjoyed relevant policies are satisfied。


Figure 1 Small and medium -sized enterprises aware of the situation (questionnaire survey data)

Promoting development policy,The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the departments of various departments are in digital transformation、Dingtong Development、Breakthroughs in the field of high -quality enterprise cultivation,Promote the high -quality development of small and medium -sized enterprises。Questionnaire survey display,Specialized Specialty New SME Cultivation and SME Digital Transformation Policy Knowing a high degree of knowledge,More than 40%of companies have enjoyed public services for SMEs,High sense of gain,Enterprises have higher satisfaction with various promoting development policies。

  2. Construction of the service system

The Central Economic Work Conference clearly proposes to strengthen the management service of small, medium and micro enterprises,The National Industrial and Information Work Conference requires strengthening the country、Provincial、City、Construction of public service agencies in the fourth -level SMEs of the county,Enhanced service capabilities、Improve service effectiveness。The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the "Guiding Opinions on Improve the Public Service System of SMEs",Promoting the competent authorities of SMEs at all levels to strengthen the construction of the public service system of SMEs as an important basic measure to promote high -quality development of small and medium -sized enterprises。Since 2022,Cities of each participating cities are improving the public service system of small and medium -sized enterprises、Carry out a large number of work,Obvious results。

Multi -level SME service system is continuously improved。At present, it has been promoted to cover the country、Provincial、City、dafabet live casinoThere are more than 1,700 small and medium -sized enterprise public service agencies (service centers) at level 4 of the county。Where,Provincial coverage rate exceeds 90 %,The city -level coverage rate exceeds 80 %,County -level coverage rates exceed 50 %。Participating in the cities,47 cities have set up municipal SME Service Center,accounted for 94%; 21 cities have achieved full coverage of district and county -level SME service centers,accounting for 42%。The coverage rate of Fujian Province, district and county -level SME Service Center has increased from less than 50%to 100%,Jiangsu Provincial and District -level SME Service Center increased from 60 to 82,The coverage rate reaches 86%,Promote the public service capabilities of small and medium -sized enterprises to further improve。


Figure 2  Fourth -level SME public service agencies establish a situation

Small and medium -sized enterprise services have continuously improved。Since 2022,Carry out the service operation of SMEs in the "Enterprise together" in the country,Encourage and guide service agencies to actively serve SMEs,2023 Cumulative service companies 12.48 million。"Digital empowerment、Scientific and technological achievements Fu Zhi、Quality Standard Brand Assignment "is the theme,Carry out the "SME Service Month" activity in the country,Hold more than 3,000 service activities,More than 14 million service companies。Participating in the cities,Shanghai、Shenzhen、Wuhan、Chongqing、Suzhou、Ganzhou and other cities to formulate relevant documents to promote the construction of SME service system,Arrange special funds support and establish and improve measures such as SME service standards and service evaluation mechanisms,Perfectly promoting service supply capacity improvement。

Small and medium -sized enterprises service line online and offline fusion steps accelerate。According to statistics,At present, 31 provincial levels have been established nationwide、165 city -level SME online service platform。Participating in the cities,More than 40 cities have established online SME public service platforms,Among them, 21 cities continue to build regulations and policy libraries、High -quality Enterprise Library、Basic database of SMEs such as service agency libraries,Shanghai Enterprise Service Cloud、Shenzhen "Deep I Enterprise"、Beijing Tongjian Service Edition、Qingdao Enterprise Tong and other online platforms continue to improve policy precise push、Enterprise appeal feedback and other functions,Changing "Enterprise Finding Policies" as "Policy Find Enterprise",Realize "the company has the complaint,I must have response "。With the Chinese SME Service Online with the 4th level of the center of the center, the online trial operation,The construction of "one network" in the national small and medium -sized enterprise service is steadily advanced。

  3. Market access barriers continue to break,Effective stimulation of market entities

In recent years,The state vigorously promotes the reform of the commercial system and the negative list system reform of the market access,The institutional cost of enterprises entering the market has dropped sharply,Market admission capacity continues to improve,Effectively stimulate the vitality of the market subject,Small and medium -sized enterprises increase steadily。According to statistics,The number of small and medium -sized enterprises nationwide increased from 48 million households in 2021 to 52 million households in 2022,growth rate reached 8.3%; the number of small and medium -sized enterprises participating in the evaluation increased from 26.793 million households in 2021 to 29.114 million households in 2022,growth rate reaches 8.7%。In 2023, 32.727 million households are newly established in the country,increased by 12.6%year -on -year,Among them, 10.29 million new enterprises,increased by 15.6%year -on -year。


Figure 3 The number of small and medium -sized enterprises in cities in the country (10,000 households)

market access further,Fair competition accelerates the implementation。2023 "Opinions on the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Promoting the Development of the Private Economy" clearly requires the construction of a high -level socialist market economy system,Continuous optimization, fair, fair transparent development environment。Each participating cities strictly implement the market access negative list system、Fair competition review system,Improve social credit incentive constraint mechanism,Significant and more open and transparent、Standardized and efficient market entrance access and exit mechanisms,Optimize the service of recurring enterprise -related service、Market supervision method,Continue to stimulate the vitality in the business subject,Promoting the sustainable economic development。

Government Service "One Network、One door、One "reform continues to deepen。Cities of each participating cities continue to deepen the "decentralization service" reform,Reduce administrative approval link,Optimize the administrative approval process; vigorously implement the "One Netcom Office",Breaking time and regional limit,Promote the realization of "let the data more run the road,Let the masses run less legs "; implement" one window acceptance、One settlement at a time ",Improve public service convenience,Reduce the cost of enterprise work。Questionnaire survey display,More than 80%of small and medium -sized enterprises "One Netcom Office" "One Window Acceptance、One ending "is satisfied。

  4. The cultivation work of high -quality enterprises takes a deep way,SME innovation kinetic energy is increasing

In recent years,The country's in -depth implementation of innovation -driven development strategy,Strengthen the status of corporate scientific and technological innovation,Promote the deep integration of the talent chain of the capital chain of the innovation chain industry chain。Cities of each participating cities have continuously strengthened high -quality small and medium -sized enterprises gradient cultivation,Promote the precise docking of small and medium -sized enterprises and large enterprises、Realize the development of integration and innovation,Increase the intensity of innovation investment,Enhanced corporate innovation and development ability。

Make a significant effect on the cultivation of high -quality enterprises。The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the "Interim Measures for the Management Management Management Management Management Management of High -quality Small and Medium Enterprises" and a series of encouraging support policies,Organize the "Working Hands" to promote the integration and innovation of large, medium and medium -sized enterprises,Guide small and medium -sized enterprises to improve innovation capabilities、Focus on the main business,Take the new development road of special specialty。In 2023, a total of more than 1,800 "hundreds of thousands of enterprises" large, medium and medium enterprises merging and docking activities,110,000 participating companies,Reaching more than 20,000 items for cooperation,Signing 12,000 cooperation agreements,The total amount of the contract is more than 530 billion yuan。According to statistics,Participating cities Cumulative 7338 specialized new "little giants" enterprise,accounted for more than 60%of the country; specialized new SMEs and innovative SMEs accounted for more than 60%of the country。Where,Beijing、Shenzhen、Shanghai、Suzhou、Ningbo、Hangzhou、Wuhan and other 7 cities specializing in the number of new "little giants" enterprises exceed 300,Wuxi、Ningbo、Suzhou、Xiangyang、Beijing、Hangzhou and other 6 cities including small and medium -sized enterprises per 10,000 small and medium -sized enterprises in China Specialty Specialty New "Little Giant" enterprises exceed 4。

Innovation investment continues to increase。2022 National R & D Investment Investment intensity of 2.5%,increased by 0.1 percentage point than last year。Participating City in 2022 R & D intensity of R & D investment reached 2.7%,increased by 0.2 percentage points over the previous year。43 participating urban research and development investment intensity increased compared to the previous year,accounting for 86%,Where,Beijing、Shenzhen and Xi'an, including three cities, including R & dafabet live casinoD intensity of more than 5%,6.8%、5.8%and 5.2%。


Figure 4 National and participating cities 2019-2022 Annual R & D Input Intersection

Innovation results。2022 National technical contract transaction turnover reached 4779.102 billion yuan,increased by 28.2%over the previous year。Participating City 2022 Annual Technical Contract Transaction Total Transaction Total amount of 3567.537 billion yuan,accounting for 74.7%of the total number of the country,increased by nearly 25%over the previous year。2023 National authorized invention patents 921,000 pieces,Registered trademarks 4.383 million pieces。Participating City 2023 The total number of authorized invention patents reached 637,000 pieces,accounting for 69.2%of the total number of the country; the total number of registered trademarks in 2023 reached 2.4633 million,56.2%of the total number of nationwide。


Figure 5 The number of urban innovation achievements in the evaluation accounts for the total proportion of the country

Small and medium -sized enterprises digital transformation steadily advance。Department of Industry and Information Technology、The Ministry of Finance launches the pilot work of digital transformation cities in SMEs,Through the central financial funds,Support 30 small and medium -sized enterprises digital transformation pilot cities in a total of 15 key industries、Digital transformation of more than 15,000 small and medium -sized enterprises,A total of 29 participating cities are ranked among them。According to the relevant data of the digital level evaluation system of small and medium -sized enterprises,Guangzhou、Wuxi、Suzhou、Hangzhou、Shanghai and other cities with small and medium -sized enterprises for digital transformation is relatively high,SMEs of each participating cities are unwilling to transfer、Dare to turn、The situation that will not be turned can be relieved。

  5. The financing model continues to innovate,Financial service efficiency improves

In recent years,The country continues to increase finance、Finance and other beneficiaries policy support,Government financing guarantee、Inclusive small and micro enterprise credit continuously expand incremental increases and reduces fees,Structural monetary policy tools accurately support,Flexible and valid for new models such as with loan and loan,Multi -level capital market forms a joint force,High -quality small and medium -sized enterprises listed on the market,Small and medium -sized enterprises' financing difficulties continue to alleviate。

Pratt & Whitney Financial Services continues to increase。As of the end of 2023,The balance of loan loans of national inclusive small and micro enterprises is 29.06 trillion yuan,increased by 23.3%year -on -year,13.1 percentage points higher than the average growth rate of various loans; the average interest rate of new inclusive small and micro enterprises was issued in 2023,decreased by 0.5 percentage points year -on -year。Each participating city 2022 Puhui -type small and micro enterprise loan balance accounts for the average value of RMB loans to 10.1%,The average growth rate of balance is 25%。

Increasing financing services of high -quality SMEs。The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology United Union of the People's Bank of China、The State Administration of Financial Supervision deepen the docking of production and finance,Encourage financial institutions to create financial products such as "specialized new loans"。As of the end of 2023,"Specialized Special New"、The growth rate of loans of small and medium -sized enterprises in technology reached 18.6%and 21.9%, respectively,significantly higher than the growth rate of all loans。Securities Regulatory Commission、The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology promotes high -quality construction of "specialized new" special boards in various places,It has been announced that the "special specialty" special board for the regional equity market for the region of the regional equity market,Support specialized new SMEs to speed up listing。As of the end of 2023,A total of more than 1,700 specialized new SMEs are listed on A shares,accounting for more than 30%of the number of listed companies in A shares; among them in 2023 new listed companies,More than 70%is a specialty new SME。

The guidance of fiscal funds continues to play。Department of Industry and Information Technology、The Ministry of Finance Implementation of small and micro enterprises' financing guarantee business business reduction awards policy,Guiding government financing guarantee rates continued to decline。2022,The average value of the financing guarantee rate for the financing of small and micro enterprises participating in urban small and micro enterprises is 1.04%,There are 24 cities rate below 1%,The proportion is 48%。Give full play to the leading role of the national SME Development Fund,Persist in voting early、Vote small、Innovation。As of the end of December 2023,National SME Development Fund has invested in 36 sub -funds,The total scale of the subscription is about 98.8 billion yuan,The cumulative investment amount of the sub -fund reaches 47.8 billion yuan,Among them, the investment seed period、The amount of SMEs of the initial period of growth accounted for more than 70%。According to statistics,Participating in the cities,There are 21 cities to set up SME development funds or participate in the establishment of a national fund sub -fund,The proportion is 42%; 39 cities have established government guidance funds that can support the development of SMEs,accounting for 78%。

  6. The protection of small and medium -sized enterprises is continuously improved,Continuous strengthening of the protection of the rule of law

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out,The rule of law is the best business environment,To implement equal protection to legislation、Law Enforcement、Justice、Law and other links,Protect the property rights and legitimate rights and interests of various market entities in accordance with the law。In recent years,Each participating cities actively introduced supporting regulations around the relevant national laws,Implementing the "who enforces the law and the law" is the publicity responsibility for the law of law,Increase public legal services,Give full play to the role of judicial functions,Protect the survival and development space of small and medium -sized enterprises in accordance with the law。

Effective implementation of law enforcement supervision methods。Cities of each participating city effectively change the concept of regulatory supervision,Innovation supervision method,Constantly improving regulatory efficiency。According to statistics,More than 30 cities have established a comprehensive and prudent law enforcement mechanism; more than 40 cities have fully implemented the "dual random in the market supervision field、Public "supervision,In -depth implementation of credit supervision、"Internet+Supervision" and other innovative supervision methods。

Enterprise property rights and entrepreneur rights are more effective。The cities of each participating cities are more complete to promote the judicial protection system,The judicial trial process is more optimized,The efficiency of judicial trial gradually improves,The Rights Relief System is gradually completed。To protect the legitimate rights and interests of small and medium -sized enterprises,Each evaluation city implements the "Payment of Payment of SMEs",Improve the long -term mechanism of preventing and resolving the default of SME accounts,Deepen the work of cleaning up the accounts that arrears small and medium -sized enterprises。

SME intellectual property protection system continues to improve。Cities of each participating cities increase the protection of innovation and protection,Promote the implementation of intellectual property infringement punishment compensation、behavioral preservation and other systems,Establish an intellectual property infringement and a fast processing mechanism for administrative non -lawsuit,Improve the cross -regional jurisdiction system of the Intellectual Property Court,Strengthen the cracking down on business secrets、illegal acts such as imitation and confusion and illegal trademarks such as counterfeit trademarks。

  2) SME development environment performed better cities

From the comprehensive score of the development environment of small and medium -sized enterprises,Among the cities above the provincial level,Shanghai、Shenzhen、dafabet live casinoBeijing、Guangzhou、Hangzhou、Nanjing、Ningbo、Qingdao、Wuhan、Xiamen ranked in the top 10; prefecture -level cities,Suzhou、Hefei、Wuxi、Jinhua、Quanzhou、Changsha、Dongguan、Shijiazhuang、Zhengzhou、Nanchang ranked in the top 10。


From the perspective of the development environment of small and medium -sized enterprises,In the rule of law environment、Market environment:,The performance of cities and prefecture -level cities above the provincial level is closer,In the policy environment、Three aspects of innovation environment and financing environment,The performance of cities above the provincial level is significantly better than prefecture -level cities。


Figure 6 Participating in the cities of each dimension score of each dimension score

  Market environment,Shenzhen、Guangzhou、Shanghai、Xiamen、Qingdao Scores in the top 5 digits above the provincial level,Haikou、Dongguan、Changsha、Jinhua、Hefei scores in the top 5 digits of the city level。

  In terms of rule of law environment,Chongqing、Hangzhou、Nanjing、Guangzhou、Ningbo scorers settled in the top 5 digits of the deputy provincial level or above,Suzhou、Hefei、Shijiazhuang、Haikou、Changsha Scores in the top 5 digits of the city level。

  In terms of financing environment,Shanghai、Beijing、Shenzhen、Ningbo、Nanjing scores in the top 5 digits above the provincial level,Suzhou、Hefei、Jinhua、Ganzhou、Weifang scored in the top 5 digits of the city level。

  Innovative environment,Beijing、Hangzhou、Wuhan、Guangzhou、Shenzhen scores in the top 5 digits of the deputy provincial level or above,Suzhou、Wuxi、Zhengzhou、Hefei、Changsha Scores in the top 5 digits of the city level。

  In terms of policy environment,Shenzhen、Shanghai、Beijing、Nanjing、The top 5 digits of Guangzhou in Guangzhou,Jinhua、Quanzhou、Suzhou、Hefei、Wuxi score in the top 5 positions in the city level。


  3、Participate in the development environment of the small and medium -sized enterprises in the evaluation of the main experience and practices of the development environment of SMEs

  The first is to deepen the reform of the administrative approval system.Suzhou CityMulti -linkage establishment of "Rong Station",Provide enterprises with convenient and fast government services and personalized precise guidance,Effectively solve the contradiction between supply and demand between government limited administrative resources and large number of service objects,Provide personal service for small and medium -sized enterprises with relatively lack of resources。Tianjin CityGive full play to the department's synergy to compress the approval matters for the time limit,Create "One Window Acceptance、Walk in parallel、"Jinwei Package" service system for one day ",Significantly shorten the start time of the enterprise、Taxation link in simple province、Reduce the cost of tax handling。Haikou CityInnovative implementation of "One Photo (Certificate) Pass" reform,Forms a type of format to open the "one application、One window acceptance、One circulation、One circulation、One chain approval、One code service、One Shot Camp "" Seven One "service mode,Application for the merger of business licenses and licenses、Disposal。Changsha CityFocus on expanding the application field of electronic certificates,High standards Promote the construction of "No Certificate City",Really allow the masses to run less legs,Data multi -run road。Weifang CityCreate the "Cloud Survey" platform,Build "Depending on the Circulation of Information on the Information Line、Video survey interacting real -time interaction、Precise Positioning、Online report、Online signature confirmation、Full Process of the Full Process of Imaging Information Safety Cloud Storage "" Zero Meeting "new smart survey mode,Promoting the obvious acceleration of administrative approval。

  Second is to promote the construction of a credit system.Wuhan CityBased on the credit management system,Take "Double Random、One Open "" Internet+Supervision "、Smart supervision and other methods,Let the "multi -certificate issuance" in the field of engineering construction become a normalized process,Significant improvement of the quality and efficiency of approval。Ganzhou CityPromoting credit repair mechanism,Establish an administrative punishment information information credit repair active notification reminder system,Comprehensive pressure reduction time limit。Implement credit repair collaboration mutual recognition,Solve the "multi -application application、Repeat repair "Question。

  Third is to strengthen the guarantee of production factors.Shenzhen CityInnovation Park power supply service mode,Innovate the "government funding transformation and power distribution system、The power supply department undertakes the renovation and construction task、Finally realized the new path of "rotation and change" of direct power supply metering to end users,Let the steady development of the enterprise get professional protection。ShanghaiExpand the new carrier of industrial development with "industrial upstairs",Promoting light production、Low noise、Environmental Protection Enterprise "Industry Upstairs",Speed ​​out a trend in response to industrial upgrading、Breakthrough in industrial land bottleneck、New path to expand industrial development space。Quanzhou CityExplore the standardization construction mode of the Innovation Park,Create the "monthly example meeting、Jira practice、Annual Assessment "more systematic standardized park construction measures,Promote the "out of the village into the park"、Industry upstairs development,Promote the simultaneous development of new industrialization and new urbanization。

  Four isCreate a new model of administrative law enforcement supervisionNanjing CityLaunch "Comprehensive Research Joint Inspection" mode,Carry out multiple departments on -site joint inspections,Effectively reduce multi -headed law enforcement in the field of safety production,Effectively reduce the burden on the enterprise。Ningbo CitySystem integrates the front list、Green Insurance、Environmental Manager、"Green Island" mode and other pilot service policies,Innovative construction of a new ecological environment regulatory service system that is effectively discovered by the problem of rectification and rectification。

  Five is to build a judicial protection barrier. ShanghaiImplementing the criminal policy of leniency and strictness,Further improve the compliance procedure of "complex simplification",Open the "fast lane" for compliance for small and micro enterprises involved in the case,Reduce the pressure caused by the length of the cycle of the case。Jinhua CityExplore the civil execution of the "oxygen glass cover" mechanism,Through the government、High -efficiency linkage between courts,Reshape the debt disposal process,Explore a judicial assistance to boost the development confidence of SMEs,Working path to promote high -quality economic development。Hangzhou CityBuild a "social mediation priority、After the court's litigation, the source governance mode,Using the parties' payment mediation as the main、Method of the government procurement mediation service,Attract professional mediation forces to participate in market resolution work,To the greatest extent to activate the market to resolve the power,Effectively shorten the time of resolution of resolution、Reduce cost。Shijiazhuang CityEstablish Enterprise Aviation Legal Service Center and 14 district workstations,Forming a center multi -site、Service network covering the city's small and medium -sized enterprises,Provide precision for enterprises with demand、Efficient、Professional free legal services,The healthy development of escort enterprises。

  Six is ​​the innovative bank loan model. BeijingImplementing the first loan subsidy policy of small and medium -sized enterprises,According to the "standard unity、Simple process、Fair Pu Hui、Enjoy the standard、Direct capital "requirements,Use the "exemption to enjoy" method,Effectively alleviate the problem of expensive financing。Xi'an CityIntroducing "Technical Transaction Credit Loan",Support technology -based enterprise financing with technical contracts according to the technical contract,Effectively reduce the financing cost of technology -based SMEs。Nanjing CityInnovation and development of marketization of credit enhancement intellectual property securitization project,Using bank guarantee as the participants to share market risks,Promote the integration of technical elements and capital elements。

  Seven is to create a good innovation ecology. Hefei CityAccelerating the transformation of scientific and technological achievements,37 coordinated innovation platforms with the Grand Court,Establish a "Scene Innovation Promotion Center",Promote "Scientific Discovery-Technology Invention-Industrial Development" collaborative linkage,Empowerment high -quality development。ChengduCreate the "Science and Technology Tong" service platform,Provide innovation, entrepreneurship and precision technology financial support for technology -based SMEs,Launch of science and technology loans、Science and Technology Innovation Investment、Science and Technology Paste and other diversified services to help technology companies innovate。Qingdao CityExplore the development of the "cloud research and development" mode,Collection needs mining、Resource matching、Innovation services and other functions,Effective improvement of resource integration efficiency,Realize cost reduction and efficiency。Xiamen CityBig data based on tax,Preparation and release "Enterprise Innovation Tax Index",For enterprise innovation activities、Innovation ability、Panorama portraits of innovative efficiency,Promote various types of innovative element resources to the enterprise。BeijingIntroduction Ten new measures for special new SMEs,launched "Digital Wisdom Transformation", "100 billion yuan", "patent escort", "Jingcaihui together", "integrating into the chain", "scene education new" and other actions,Targeted solving the core and urgent development of the enterprise,Strengthen the comprehensive support of enterprises。

  Eight is to build a talent support system. WuhanSystem Construction "1+5+N" talent development system,Layout classification improves all kinds of talent policies,Around talent evaluation,Actively explore the trial talent registration system and dynamic points system,Construction is not a region、The talent absorption working mechanism of the time limit。Fuyang CityInnovative exploration in vocational colleges in the country "The principal revives around the factory、Professional revolution around the industry、Teaching around production transfer "and" school like factory、Classroom like workshop、Teacher like a master、The "Three Turn and Four Imaginations" school running mode of students,Focus on creating high -skilled talents to train new highlands。Dongguan CityCreate the "Plumb" service platform,Unblocked the employment needs of small and medium -sized enterprises reflects channels,Precise providing employment service,Effectively guarantee the employment needs of the middle and high -level talents of the enterprise and the "intelligent manufacturing" field in the field of "smart manufacturing"。

  Nine is to enhance the innovation capacity of the industrial chain supply chain. ChongqingCreate "One Chain, One Network One Platform",Focusing on the key industry chain of the city's manufacturing industry,Empowerment to the upstream and downstream enterprises of the industrial chain。Ningbo CityFocus on the "card neck" problem in the industrial chain,Establishing an industrial chain "card neck" technical dynamic exclusion mechanism,Improve key core technology red、Huang、Green "Three -color Map" model,Implement three major plans of "key core technology climbing peak", "cutting -edge leading technology 2035" and "major scene application",Fully promote key core technology research。

  Ten is the improvement of the SME service system. Wuxi CityThe construction of the "tin enterprise service platform" is included in the city leader linked to contact the business environment and breaks through the breakthrough.,Through smooth network side、mobile terminal、voice terminal、The "Four End" channel at the window at the window,Provide "one -stop" service for SMEs in the city。Nanchang CityAll levels of the city and county all set up SME Service Alliances,Directed by the competent department of small and medium -sized enterprises,Various types of high -quality service agencies spontaneously compose,Integrate and gather various high -quality SME service resources to provide diversified services for the majority of small and medium -sized enterprises。Xiangyang CityEstablish a corporate assistance mechanism,Carry out the work of "Thousands of cadres into Thousands of Enterprises",Promote the two -level linkage package guarantee of the city and county,Improve the problem to solve the quality and efficiency。Guangzhou CityConstantly strengthen the service carrier,Encourage SME gathering areas or operating management agencies of industrial parks、Various industry business associations、Demonstration Platform (Base)、SME Service Center and other construction and operation SME service stations,Open SME service "Last Mile"。

Current,complexity of the external environment、Senior、Uncertain increase,The foundation of the continuous recovery of our country's economy is not stable,Some small and medium -sized enterprises in some small and medium -sized enterprises。Evaluation Discovery,In order to continue to promote the improvement of the development environment of small and medium -sized enterprises,Further stabilize SME production and operation to stabilize the situation,Effectively boost corporate development confidence,It also needs to focus on solving the following problems: Enterprises generally face rising labor costs and raw material costs、Domestic and foreign orders decrease、Three major problems such as sales rebates,It is necessary to continue to increase the support for bailout;、Mortgage guarantee difficulty、Direct financing is still difficult to trouble small and micro enterprises; corporate innovation research and development mechanism is not yet sound,Large -small and medium -sized enterprises' integration for support for the innovation and development of SMEs needs to be further played; SME service agencies are not professional、Insufficient service breadth and depth、Poor business specifications and other problems,It has not been able to better meet the differentiated enterprise、High -quality service needs; digital transformation funds for small and medium -sized enterprises、Insufficient for talent shortages and digital service providers,Concentrate on the digital transformation process of small and medium -sized enterprises; difficulty in employment、Difficulty of leading talents has become an important factor affecting the high -quality development of small and medium -sized enterprises,Policy effects of supporting talents in various localities need to be fully released。

Source: China SME Development Promotion Center

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