首page> Picture News>The National Industrial and Information Work Conference was held in Beijing



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Manuscript personnel: Liu Jia    |  Release date: 2023-12-22   |   Visits: 1255    
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December 21,The National Industrial and Information Work Conference was held in Beijing。The meeting adheres to the guidance of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era,The spirit of the 20th Plenary Session of the 20th and Twenty Central Committee of the Party,In -depth study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on new industrialization,Careful implementation,Summary of work 2023,Deploy 2024 task。Secretary of the Party Group of the Ministry、Minister Jin Zhuanglong attended the meeting and spoke,Ministry leaders attended the meeting。Liaoning Province、Shandong Province、Shandong Province、Hubei Province、Sichuan Provincial Industrial and Information Technology Commission and Shanghai Municipal Communications Administration's main responsible comrades made exchanges。


Meeting thinks,Promote the new type of industrialization,It is a major strategic deployment made by the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core to coordinate the overall overall situation of the great rejuvenation strategy of the Chinese nation and the world's unscrupulous changes。Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,General Secretary Xi Jinping lifts the banner、Attorney Pilot,Make an important discussion on promoting a series of major theories and practical issues to promote the new type of industrialization,Great enrichment and development of our party's regular understanding of industrialization,It provides a fundamental follow -up and action guide for promoting the new type of industrialization。Learning Deep Through General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on the new type of industrialization,We must adhere to the party's comprehensive leadership of promoting new industrialization,Deeply understand the strategic positioning of promoting new industrialization,firmly anchor the overall goal of promoting new industrialization,Perfect the important principles of promoting the new type of industrialization,Fully implement the key task of promoting new industrialization,Master the way of promoting the new type of industrialization,Persist in learning and thinking for use、Uniform,Transforming learning results into practical action to promote new industrialization。

Meeting to point out,2023 is the beginning of fully implementing the 20th spirit of the party,It is one year for economic recovery and development after the new crown epidemic prevention and control of the new crown epidemic,It is also a milestone year in the history of my country's industrial development。The Party Central Committee held a national new type of industrialization promotion conference,General Secretary Xi Jinping made important instructions to point out,New Era and New Journey,Comprehensively promote the construction of a strong country with Chinese -style modernization、National Revival Great Valley,Realizing new industrialization is the key task。The whole system conscientiously implements the Party Central Committee、Decision and deployment of the State Council,Study and implement Xi Jinping's new era of socialist thought theme education for Xi Jinping in the new era,Unity Struggle、Unity Struggle,better completed the whole year's work task。dafabet live casinoIt is expected to be full year,Industrial added value increased by more than 4.3%year -on -year,The value -added of manufacturing accounted for GDP proportion is basically stable,The overall size has maintained the world's first。"Fourteen Five -Year Plan" planning major engineering project construction accelerates。Defense Technology Industry and Tobacco Industry maintained a faster growth。The pace of high -quality development of key industries in the manufacturing industry has accelerated.Industrial foundation reconstruction project and major technical equipment research project steadily advance,Industrial mother machine、Key fields such as key software innovation and achieve new breakthroughs,C919 large passenger plane is put into commercial operation,Domestic first large cruise ship "Aida Magic" officially named Delivery,16 MW Wasan Wild Wind Power Unit packed power generation in the world's largest single -machine capacity,Domestic ECMO completes registration evidence,Smart 6 Cotton Cotton Machine to Mass production,Shenzhou No. 16、No. 17 to take off smoothly。The construction of the manufacturing innovation system has been continuously strengthened.National level、Provincial Manufacturing Innovation Center reached 29、260,National High -tech Industrial Development Zone reached 178,High -tech enterprises reach 465,000。Implement the "Reform Plan for Party and State Institutions",Complete the work of the institutional transfer and functional acceptance。further optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure.January -November,The value -added value of high -tech manufacturing above designated size increased by 2.3%year -on -year、Equipment manufacturing added value increased by 6.4%year -on -year。New Energy Vehicle、Lithium battery、"New Three" exports of photovoltaic products grow rapidly,New energy vehicle exports reach 1.091 million vehicles。The international market share of the three major indicators of the shipbuilding industry continues to maintain the global leader。Cumulative construction of nearly 10,000 digital workshops and smart factories,Create 5100 national green factories,Comprehensive utilization efficiency of industrial resources further improves。The series of industrial transfer development and docking activities achieved results,45 national advanced manufacturing cluster construction accelerates。Small and medium -sized enterprises have accelerated the pace of new development.Cumulative cultivation of "Little Giant" enterprises 12,000、103,000 new SMEs in the specialty,Select 100 Small and Medium Enterprise's characteristic industrial clusters。Start the digital transformation pilot of the first batch of small and medium -sized enterprises in 30 cities,Carry out a series of SME service activities,Cumulative serving more than 95 million SMEs。The high -quality development of the information and communications industry has advanced.It is expected to be full year,The total number of telecommunications business increased by about 16%year -on -year,Software and information technology service industry revenue increased by about 13%year -on -year。As of November,Cumulative 5G base station 32.82 million,Gigabit broadband users double up compared to the same period last year。6G Technical Test Accelerate。Information and communication supervision reform and innovation in depth,Emergency communication capacity is significantly enhanced,Network and data security guarantee is strengthened,The development and utilization level of radio spectrum resource、Electromagnetic space security guarantee capabilities have been further improved。Setting up major event communication services、Network Security、Radio safety and other guarantee tasks。The industrial development environment continues to optimize.Published and implemented a number of important policies and measures,Establish a manufacturing enterprise、Small and medium -sized enterprise normalization communication mechanisms,Implementation of "Integration of Technology Industry Finance" special,Continue to promote international cooperation and go deeply。Promote the comprehensive and strict development of the party.Fully support and cooperate with central inspections,Keep knowing as soon as possible、Grasp the establishment of the reform,Leads high -quality development with high -quality party building,The spirit of entrepreneurship of party members and cadres is further boosted。

Meeting to point out,2024 is the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China,is the key year for achieving the "14th Five -Year Plan" planning target task,It is also an important year for the deployment of the national new industrialization dafabet live casinopromotion conference。Guide to adhere to Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideas with Chinese characteristics,The spirit of the 20th Plenary Session of the 20th and Twenty Central Committee of the Party,In -depth study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on new industrialization,Careful implementation,Persist in the general tone of the work of steady progress,Full、Accurate、Comprehensive implementation of new development concepts,Coordinating high -quality development and high level safety,Vigorously promote the new type of industrialization,Implementation of high -quality development actions for key industry chains in the manufacturing industry,Improve industrial scientific and technological innovation ability,Transformation and upgrading traditional industries,Consolidate and improve the advantageous industry,Cultivate and expand emerging industries,Foresight Layout Future Industry,Support new development of SMEs for SMEs,Accelerating construction takes technological innovation as the lead、The modern industrial system of advanced manufacturing is the backbone,To comprehensively promote the construction of a strong country with Chinese -style modernization、National Revitalization Greater Realm provides a solid material technical basis。

Conference emphasized,2024 to focus on high -quality development,Highlights、Grasp the key,Grasp the key tasks of twelve aspects。First, we will make every effort to promote the steady growth of the industrial economy.Grasp the steady growth policy to take effect,In -depth implementation of the work plan for the stable growth of the top ten industries,Support industrial provinces to continue "picking beams",Do a good job of economic publicity、Policy interpretation and public opinion guidance。Deepen raw material、Consumer Products "Three Products" Action,Promote new energy vehicles、Electronic products and other large consumption。Deepen production fusion work,Do a good job of service guarantee for key foreign -funded projects in the manufacturing industry。Maintain the steady growth of the tobacco industry。Second, comprehensively implement the high -quality development action of key industry chains in the manufacturing industry。Coordinating Promoting Key Core Technology Reassurance Project、Industrial Basic Reconstruction Project and Major Technical Equipment Reassurance Project,Reinforcement application traction,Accelerate the breakthrough and achievement of technical research,Realize "Taking into a Bead、Beads into Chain "。Third is to improve the ability of industrial scientific and technological innovation.Vigorously promote the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation,Delivery implementation of major projects of scientific and technological innovation,Continue optimizing the innovation platform network,Accelerate the cultivation of innovative enterprises,Create an upgraded version of the "Torch" brand。Promoting the quality and efficiency of the park,Start the creation of a national new type of industrialization demonstration zone。Fourth is to accelerate the transformation and improvement of traditional industries.Implementation of manufacturing technology transformation and upgrading project,Support enterprise equipment update,Steady steel、Colored、Light Industry and other key industries renovated and upgraded。Promote the manufacturing industry "Zhixiang Number to Connecting Connect",Deepen the pilot demonstration of intelligent manufacturing,Promoting the construction of an open source system。Continue to do a good job of industrial transfer development and docking activities。Five is to consolidate and enhance the leading position of the advantageous industries.Accelerate the strong chain supplement chain extension chain,Enhance the competitiveness of the entire industry。Support new energy vehicle power replacement mode development,Do a good job of piloting the full electrification of vehicles in the public domain。Strengthen the guidance and quality supervision of the photovoltaic industry。Promote rare earth in aerospace、Electronic information、High -end applications in new energy and other fields。Six is ​​to accelerate the cultivation of emerging industries.Start smart connected cars access and pilot on the road,Promoting Beidou scale application and satellite Internet development。Growing new energy、New materials、High -end equipment、Biomedical and high -end medical equipment、Safety emergency equipment and other emerging industries,Create biological manufacturing、Commercial Space、New growth points such as low -altitude economy。Introduce the future industrial development action plan,aiming for humanoid robots、Quantum information and other industries,Focus on breaking the key technology、Cultivate key products、Expand scene application。Seven is to promote the high -quality development of the information and communication industry.Coordinating "Jian、Use、Research "various work,Promote 5G、Gigabit Light Network Delivery,Accelerate the layout of intelligent computing power facilities,Strengthen 6G pre -research。Innovative information communication market supervision,In -depth push for wind construction and correction work,Improve the emergency communication plan and command system。Promote 5G scale application,Introduce the guidance of high -quality development of the Industrial Internet。Carry out the special action of key information infrastructure protection,Improve industry data security management level。Eight is to promote industrial green and low -carbon development.Stable promoting carbon emission reduction in the industrial field,Strict control of steel、Cement、New capacity of flat glass,Pilot industrial digital carbon management pilot,In -depth implementation of industrial energy efficiency、Action of water efficiency,Actively explore the market -oriented approach of comprehensive utilization of emerging solid waste,Vigorously develop the green low -carbon industry,Comprehensive promotion of green manufacturing。Nine is to promote the high -quality development of small and medium -sized enterprises.Implement a batch of inclusive assistance policies,Multi -channel support for the innovation and development of specialized new enterprises,In -depth development of the digital transformation cities of SMEs and the special action of "Three Fu"。Accelerate the construction of "one network" for the service of the national SME service。In -depth implementation of a series of activities such as promoting the development of large, small and medium -sized enterprises。Ten is optimizing the layout of the national defense technology industrial system,Consolidate and improve the national strategic system and ability。Eleven is the support of the "double first -class" construction of the ministries and universities。Strengthen the party building、Thoughts and ideology and ideology,Build a distinctive characteristic、A professional system with outstanding advantages,Cultivation creates a tip of innovative talents,Support the Ministry of Universities to participate in the construction of the national laboratory,Guarantee campus security and stability。Twelve is to improve the level of modernization of industry governance.Strengthen the specification guidance of the overcapacity industry。Implementation of new industry standardization and lane projects。Implement the manufacturing industry's comprehensive opening measures,Relating the telecommunications market access,Deepen the cooperation of double multilateral mechanisms。Do a good job of implementing key projects such as manufacturing talents and other key projects。Strengthen the construction of the Communications Authority。Support Ministry Units Focus on the main business、Highlights,Create core support capabilities。Strengthen the supervision of the people's explosion industry,Grasp the communication industry and communication facilities to build safety production supervision。Do a good job of major activities and emergencies communication services、Network Security、Radio safety and other guarantees。

Conference emphasized,To further strengthen the party's innovative theoretical armed forces,In -depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping's new era of socialist thought with Chinese characteristics,Learning Deep Through General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on the new type of industrialization,firmly defend the "two establishment",Resolutely achieve "two maintenance",Do a good job of "three examples",Construction model agency,Take a good "first square array"。We must pay close attention to implementation,Implementation according to the non -discounted、Frankly Flexible Implementation、Seeking truth and pragmatic implementation、Dare to do good for implementation,Resolutely implement the deployment of the Central Economic Work Conference and the National New Industrialization Promotion Conference,Focus on collaborative cooperation,Strengthening investigation research,Improve the ability to perform duties,Resolutely correct formalism、bureaucracy,Decisive streamline forum、Exhibition and other activities,Take the lead to live a tight life,Fully complete various target tasks in 2024。To create a good atmosphere of entrepreneurship,Promote the spirit of "two bombs and one star"、Manned Aerospace Spirit、Artisan spirit and the excellent tradition of "Harbin Military Workers",Advocate strict and carefully、Flalfly、Unity and collaboration、The work style of the professional standard,Give the opportunity to want officers、Give the stage、Incentives of doing things,Further boosting the spirit of the spirit of entrepreneurship of party members and cadres。To comprehensively strengthen the party's construction,Passing the requirements of the strict and strict governance of the party into all aspects,Seriously support and cooperate with central inspections,Effectively grasp the central tour rectification task,Integrated advance, dare not rot、Can't rot、I don’t want to rot,Keep Holding Integrity、Secret、Security "Three Red Line" ,Leads high -quality development with high -quality party building。

Meeting requirements,At the end of the year and early years,To tighten the people's livelihood、Security stable this string,Do a good job of corporate assistance、Plus market supply、Communication service、Radio Monitoring、Safety production、Emergency duty and other tasks。Organization to do a good job of retired cadres、An consolation of old employees。Strict implementation of the eight regulations of the Central Committee and the spirit of its implementation rules,serious investigation and punishment "Four Winds" question,Make sure that the wind is clear during the festival。


The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Commission of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team is responsible for comrades,National Defense Science and Technology Industry Bureau、The responsible comrade of the National Tobacco Monopoly Agency,Each province、Autonomous Region、Municipality and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Industry and Information Technology Commissioner's main responsible comrades,The responsible comrade of the relevant national high -tech industry development zone management committee,Each province、Autonomous Region、The Municipal Communications Authority is mainly responsible for comrades,All units of the subordinates、The main responsible comrades of the party and government of all universities and universities,The main responsible comrades of various fund companies of the ministry agencies,The main responsible comrades of the department and bureaus of the ministry attended the meeting。Relevant responsible comrades of the central and state organs attended the meeting。

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Source: General Office of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

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