首page> Picture News>The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology held the third small and medium -sized enterprise round table meeting



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Manuscript personnel: Liu Jia    |  Release date: 2023-11-24   |   Visits: 1078    
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November 23, 2023,Secretary of the Party Group of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology、Minister Jin Zhuanglong hosted the third small and medium -sized enterprise round table meeting,Following the role of a strong chain of the strong chain of small and medium -sized enterprises,Listen to the introduction of the company's situation and opinions and suggestions。Vice Minister Xu Xiaolan attended the meeting。


will be on the meeting,From machinery、Electronic、Software、Twelve specialized Special Special Small and SMEs in the fields of new materials and other industries made a key speech,Introduce the production and operation of the enterprise and the problems facing difficulties,Make suggestions and suggestions。The relevant departments dafabet casino mobile appof the Ministry responded to the issues that the enterprise cared about。

Jin Zhuanglong pointed out,SMEs are key links to enhance the stability and competitiveness of the supply chain of the industrial chain,is to promote new type of industrialization、The important force of maintaining economic toughness and vitality。The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will thoroughly implement the important instructions of General Secretary Jinping on the development of SMEs,Implement the spirit of the National New Industrialization Promotion Conference,Persist in "Two Never Shake",Persist in management and services in the same way、Help and development,Continuous improvement and perfect work system、Policy and Regulations System、gradient cultivation system、High -quality and efficient service system,Do a good job of high -quality development of small and medium -sized enterprises for this big article。We must grasp the implementation of the implementation of the policy of benefiting enterprises,Focus on technology research and development、Financing Promotion、Industrial Chain Control、Talent introduction and other studies have launched more precise and effective measures,dafabet live casinoPromote the development of large and medium -sized enterprises,Support SMEs to speed up digital transformation,Improve the new ability of the specialty,Actively participate in major national engineering projects,Play a greater role in the manufacturing strong chain supplement chain。

Jin Zhuanglong said,Entrepreneurs here are outstanding representatives of small and medium -sized enterprises,I hope everyone will vigorously promote the spirit of outstanding entrepreneurs,firm development confidence,Tree Jixian Core,Strengthen innovation leaders,Deepen open cooperation,Actively deal with challenges,Focus on the main business、Practice internal skills,Continue to go well and develop a new development road,Create more "unique skills"、High -quality products,Two domestic and international markets with enough use、Two resources,Realize high -quality development。

Division and Bureau of the Ministry and the Development Promotion Center of SMEs、The responsible comrades of the National SME Development Fund Company attended the meeting。

Source: Small and Medium Enterprise Bureau, General Office, Industrial Information Micro News

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