Home> Legal consultation and service>The National Public Security Organs to combat the special work deployment meeting of illegal crimes such as the "Money Change Party" will be held



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Manuscript: Liu Jia   |   Release date:2024/6/4 17:05:15   |   Views: 607

The National Public Security Organ's special work deployment meeting for illegal crimes such as the "Money Change Party" is held in Beijing recently,Deployment of the local government to implement the decision -making deployment of the Party Central Committee,Improve political standing,Persist in problem orientation,Improve the linkage mechanism,Strengthen collaboration and cooperation,A solid implementation of various work measures,Resolutely curb the development of illegal crimes such as the "change of money"。

Meeting to point out,In recent years,Drive by huge profits,illegally providing individuals or organizations with large cash exchange and high -profile services for individuals or organizations.,and induced fighting、Fraud、Theft、Disglement and other illegal crimes,seriously affects local social security stability。Public security organs Dafabet reviewsin various places must effectively enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency of work,heavy punch strike、Multiple measures,Strengthen the collaboration with the Macau Police,Launching a sharp offensive on illegal crimes such as the "Change of the Money",Fully promote the crackdown on the rectification work to achieve new results。

Conference emphasized,Fast investigation and breaking the case,Fighting fugitive,Deeply digging case clues,Check the main backbone of the gold,All -chain destroy criminal gang,Quickly form a rigorous and high -pressure situation。We must severely crack down on fraud crimes,Strengthen project tackling,Organizational concentrated network,Fully detect "Practice Coupon"、False remittances and other fraud cases,Resolutely eradicate the black -gray industry chain that provides support services for the "Money Change Party" fraud.。We must severely crack down on underground banks and money laundering crimes,Check the gang architecture、Gold Lord and Fund Channel behind the scenes,Initiating cluster campaign,Strengthen the overall blow,Make sure to go deep and thorough。We must severely crack down on violent debts、illegal detention and other derivative crimes,Strengthen investigation collaboration,Reinforcement dafabet live casinoinformation research and judgment,Do your best to investigate and obtain evidence、Case deep excavation、Arching fugitives and other jobs,Resolutely kill the criminal arrogance。To combine the local actual situation,Practice clue verification、Port inspection and control and the source of key areas,Resolutely curb the spread of the development of relevant illegal crimes。

Meeting requirements,To strengthen organizational leadership,Pressing and composing responsibility,Quickly promote the crackdowning work。To strengthen communication and docking,Improve and perfect mechanism,Reinforcement clue notification、Case transfer、Evidence collection collaboration,Carry out a joint blow,Form working together。To strengthen supervision and promotion,Use a legal weapon,Fund a batch of cases as soon as possible、Destroy a group of criminal gangs,Ensure that the crackdown rectification achieves effective results。

The meeting notified the work of illegal crimes such as the "Money Change Party" since 2023。The relevant bureau -level units of the Ministry of Public Security、The responsible comrades of the State Immigration Administration and the responsible comrades in charge of the provincial public security organs attended the meeting。

Source: Rule of Law Daily All Media Reporter Zhang Chen

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